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Why Your Business Needs To Be Active On Social Media

In this day and age, there is absolutely no reason for a small business not to be active on social media. I spend a he amount of tie with young businesses and even some older businesses who are looking to find success, and the first thing that I will ask them is which social media channels they use for their business. Far too many times when I ask is question, I am met by strange looks and vacant expressions. For this reason I wanted to write a post for all of you business owners out there that are not actively using social media, in order to tell you exactly why this business tool is so important to you success. Let’s take a look at exactly why your business should be using social media.




Social media is not just a community where people can share silly videos and vent their rage, it is about far more than that and for businesses, social media can really help with recruitment. Not only can you use social media channels such as Facebook to post your latest job offerings, you can use a site such as LinkedIn to look for the kind of person that you are after. LinkedIn is a social media channel for professionals, and it is how businesses in the modern era recruit staff. If you are looking for temp workers, look no further than social media channel ShiftPixy, a tool which will connect you to shift workers who are averrable to fill your temporary slots.




Most business owners, especially small business owners, think that marketing is a waste of money or that they are not in a position to spend. This may very well be true but in the case of social media, you don’t need to spend money on marketing your company. Social media channels give you the opportunity to connect with millions of people in the click of a button, to promote your business and its products and services. The only thing that marketing on social media will cost you is time, and given the fact that your business can be promoted to such a large number of people, why wouldn’t you invest that time for your business.


Customer Engagement


We live in a world where there are more businesses than ever before, and fierce competition in just about every sector. With this in mind, it can be difficult for customers to offer loyalty, because of the amount of choice that  they have. One way in which you can gain a customer’s loyalty, is through engaging with them, and having a one on one conversation with them. Social media gives you the perfect opportunity to do this, to chat with your customers and see what they want, fix problems which may exist with your products, and promote your goods to them when the time is right. Speaking directly with your customers has never been easier than right now, through the use of social media.

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