How to Become a YouTube Sensation

The internet has brought with it hundreds of opportunities for anyone with an internet connection to become a star, create their own business or become an author and shape their own career from the comfort of their home. One such way that many are forging out a career for themselves is through the power of YouTube, there have been some huge YouTube sensations over the years as people have looked to the video service to upload fun videos, gaming tips, make-up advice along with a whole host of other types of videos.

Being poplar on YouTube is more than just about finding fame, you can make a lot of money from it and the more subscribers and viewers you have, the more you’ll get paid from the advertising that YouTube generates. If you want to start your own YouTube channel then here are some tips on how best to do it.

Quality, Quality, Quality

The single biggest factor in your popularity, before you even consider how to market yourself is that you are providing consistent, quality content for your viewers regardless of whether you have 5 or 500,000 of them. The consistency here is key, if you create a great video and then cannot follow it up then you will lose the interest of people who watch your videos.

Be Watchable

It sounds simple but people have to want to watch you and you need to be engaging. Let’s take for example the prophet TB Joshua, he and his Synagogue of All Nations have one of the most popular religion-based YouTube channels in the World. With over 400,000 subscribers and over 170 million all time views, this channel captures the imagination and the attention of many. The reason for this popularity is the passion and energy that Joshua creates when he speaks on camera, he engages people and you need to as well if you want popularity.

Be Notable

It isn’t a prerequisite nor a guarantee for success but it would be advantageous to you if you could really put your identity on the screen. Try to come up with a catchphrase or a particular style that you consistently stick to in each of your videos, doing this will make you more noticeable and more memorable.

Market Hard

Creating a YouTube video is easy and anyone who owns a cell phone can do it, as such, there is a great deal of competition for views. If you want to make your channel and videos garner as much attention as possible then you’re going to need to market hard. The best place to do this is on social media, ensure that you have Facebook and Twitter accounts that are linked to your channel and constantly promote your videos there. You can pay on the likes of Facebook to reach more people in order to promote yourself and it is something that is worth considering. Remember that you are relying on people not only watching but liking and sharing your videos in order to have ultimate success.

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