
Joshua Manocherian – The Benefits of Eating Organic Food

There are many reasons that food professionals like Joshua Manocherian make the conscious choice to serve locally-produced organic food to their customers.  For many people unfamiliar with the benefits of eating organic, the idea may seem like little more than a fad designed to separate gullible consumers from their money.  However, there are undeniable benefits that come with the choice eat organic products which make them well-worth the sometimes higher price tag.  Here are just a few.



There are many reasons that organic foods are undeniably healthier than conventional products.  The fundamental core of organic farming is the avoidance of chemical pesticides, fertilizers, hormones and antibiotics.  Each of these things has clearly damaging effects on human health.  Studies reveal that chemicals remain on much of the food we eat no matter how carefully we wash it, and moreover that we inject these chemicals through fatty animal products (think cheese, milk, butter, fish oils, eggs, and marbled meat) when the animals were themselves fed pesticide-laden foods.  The impact of hormones and antibiotics on human health are also well-documented.  Young children are being thrown into early puberty as a result of ingesting sex and growth hormones, and several cancers are also linked to this.  Additionally, there is increasing concern raised that the common practice of including antibiotics in food given to animals may contribute to the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.



In addition to the clear benefits that come from avoiding the ingestion of chemicals, hormones and antibiotics, there is increasing evidence to suggest that organically-farmed plants and animals are richer in nutrients than conventionally farmed versions. With regard to plants, the impact of being grown in naturally fertilized, mineral-rich and robust soil may be the reason that the plants are higher in iron, vitamin C and other nutrients.  Organically-raised animals tend to be free-ranging for at least a part of their lives, which means that they are eating a wider range of grasses and insects than their caged counterparts.  This results in higher levels of certain key fatty acids and vitamins in organic animal products.



Because organic farming practices do not rely on chemicals to control pest or weeds, and use natural techniques to maintain soil health, organic farming is more environmentally friendly and sustainable.  Conventional farming practices rely heavily on chemicals, many of which have not been tested for their long-term effects on health.  Sprayed onto plants, turned into the soil, or released into the air, these chemicals can easily find their way into the water table, into nearby homes, swimming pools and more.  They can poison pests, but they can also poison local animal life as well.


These are just some of the benefits that come from choosing organic products when at all possible.  Importantly these benefits are felt not only by yourself, but also your community and the environment more generally.


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