Tagged in: Medication


Treatment and Care of Osteoarthritis

As we age, things start to change. Our skin becomes wrinkly, our hair becomes gray, our eyesight and hearing deteriorates. Unfortunately, aging also affects our joints. Suddenly, all those activities that we were always told were so good for our body – jumping, running, climbing stairs, kneeling, walking and so on – become really difficult. The cushioning cartilage around your joints starts to wear, and your bones will rub together, which is a very painful condition. At this point, your joint Read more [...]
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New Technique in Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction surgery is performed on women who have large breasts and would like to make them smaller. These women may be uncomfortable with large breasts and may find it hard to perform some daily tasks without pain or discomfort. Women with large breasts may experience back and neck pain because of the excess weight in their breasts. However, a new technique in breast reduction surgery is making headlines. According to Dr. Ajaka, liposuction is the latest method used in this type of surgery.   Plastic Read more [...]