Tagged in: URL


Ignorance Is not a Defense to Avoid Ranking Penalties

All website owners want one thing and one thing only: to get the first search result on Google. Achieving this means that they must engage in various strong search engine optimization (SEO) efforts, and that is surprisingly hard work. You won’t be the first to have completed training, gone to seminars, and read the books on SEO, applied the lessons learned and to then find your rankings have dropped. So how is this possible? A drop in rankings is usually due to your site getting penalized, presuming, Read more [...]

Website Security Is an Issue No Business Can Afford to Ignore

Do you know how to spot a fully secured website? If you are in the process of setting your first business website, security is an issue you'll need to pay attention to. This is an issue that can determine the success or failure of your business in a very short period of time. It's a very bad idea to attempt to set up an official company website without paying full attention to the issue of security. There are far too many hackers, phishers, and information thieves in the world to turn a blind eye Read more [...]